20 August, 2009

Shopping with kids is what's cooking!

I know this is not an eye opening revelation to getting kids to eat healthy BUT "Healthy Week" continues with the theory that shopping with kids opens their eyes to healthy foods.

As much as I enjoy my alone time at the grocery store or Farmer's Market (FM), I can definitely see the value of taking my girls with me. Tuesday I went to the market with Tanya from expat chow. We are kind of market buddies you could say. Jess came too! I like Burkliplatz FM but the Helvitiaplatz FM has become a fast favorite. Jack not only has a list on his website of most of the markets in CH (click on the side of his page) but a list of what's in season that changes monthly. Awesome info!

As I was unpacking my three full bags I thought everything was so pretty and vibrant I had to snap a photo. I also went by Coop to get some random items for our week of food. Some of the food was not put away when the girls came home for lunch. They loved looking over my finds from the market and figuring out what we could have for dinner with our lovely array of food.

When I take my girls to the Farmer's Market or grocery store we spend a lot of time in the veggie section. They get to choose new foods or old favorites.

Miss L always wants tomatoes, artichokes and bananas

Miss M is a little more random but ALWAYS wants avocados

Usually they are getting ready to go to school when I make my list of what I need. If they are unable to shop with me that day I ask them what they need from the store or market. This not only gets their minds thinking but really makes them feel like they have a decision in what they eat and what our family eats.

My next goal is to have Miss L cook for our family once a week. She wants so desperately to do this, the question is, if I am ready to hand over the control of my kitchen to my 9 year old.

The most important part for me is to make my daughters realize what amazing foods there are and how good they are for our bodies. Even though we do not always eat the perfect meal, we are all trying and that is the most important part.

Än Guetä! - Jenna


Julie Ramsay said...

The food looks beautiful!

Jenna said...

Thanks Juls. It was a great day at the market. You should join us when you are not volunteering at the school!

likeschocolate said...

Jenna, it might be hard to turn over the control, but you will be surprised what she can do. I started cooking at 7. Of course that was just Mac and Cheese from a box, but by 14 I was able to make a gourmet meal. Your mom's recipe for Cashew Chicken is easy. I am sure she could make that in a heart beat.

jessicalangprice said...

I LOVE the farmers market...but I MUST make a list before I go next time!! I love healthy week and green smoothies. Mmm. Thanks for showing me the way ;). Oh, and I always spelled en guete like that...but since it is swiss german it can be spelled any way you like, right!?

The Smith Family said...

I can't wait to try most of this! You know, my mom didn't have me try very many healthy foods when I was younger. I think that was why I was so picky. But now, I am more motivated to feed my kiddos better and I have found that I like most of that good stuff too! I don't know why I was so afraid of trying it for so many years!
Thanks for the fabulous healthy week posts!